Kia ora and welcome to the Kiwi Ambassadors Blog Site.

Here you will find the comments of six fabulous young New Zealanders representing each Catholic Diocese of New Zealand on their way to World Youth Day in Sydney July 15-20.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Christchurch pilgrimage to Temuka!! A huge success!!

The pope’s Christmas message spoke about people needing to make time for Christ in their lives. Often in the modern world we don’t have time for Christ. The Temuka pilgrimage gave all those who attended a rare opportunity to take an entire day to reflect on their relationship with God.

The day began with an excellent Mass celebrated by Bishop Barry Jones. Many of the young people there are grateful for a Bishop who takes an active interest in the youth of his diocese. The day was also a chance to meet most of the people who are going to World Youth Day.

After Mass there were three formation sessions, one by Eddie Caudal and Ken Joblin on belonging to the family of God, one by the Sisters of St Joseph on the life of Mary Mackillop, and one by Dean Mischewski on the plan of salvation. I personally found the focus on Mary Mackillop to be very insightful. I have very little in common with St Anthony (the desert father) so it was nice to encounter a modern saint who lived in the same county as I do. Paul VI spoke about the need for witnesses to the Catholic faith, Mary Mackillop was a powerful witness to all the Gospel values.

There were several trials during the day, including two buses breaking down, but this is all part of the pilgrimage experience, and there will definitely be trials at World Youth Day. The day concluded with a powerful time of adoration.The Temuka pilgrimage was invaluable preparation for World Youth Day. I’m very grateful to all those who put in so much time and effort into organising the various events.

By Michael Hempseed

Blessed Mary Mackillop... Pray for us!!

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